Search: Schema Evolution, Theory

18 results


Title/Author Year Citationssort icon added
van der Aalst, Wil M.P.; Basten, T.
Inheritance of Workflows An approach to tackling problems related to change
2002 490 Oct05
Bancilhon, F.; Spyratos, N.,
Update Semantics of Relational Views
1981 472 Apr06
Shmueli, O; Itai, A
Maintenance of views
1984 105 Sep06
Peters, Randel J.; Özsu, M. Tamer
An Axiomatic Model of Dynamic Schema Evolution in Objectbase Systems
1997 86 Oct05
McKenzie, L.E.; Snodgrass, R.T.
Schema Evolution and the Relational Algebra
1990 79 Oct05
Davidson, Susan; Buneman, Peter; Kosky, Anthony
Semantics of Database Transformations
1998 47 Apr06
Grandi, Fabio; Mandreoli, Federica
A formal model for temporal schema versioning in object-oriented databases
2003 36 May10
Bouchou, B.; Duarte, D.; Halfeld, M.; Alves, M. H. F.; Laurent, D.; Musicante, M.
Schema Evolution for XML: A Consistency-preserving Approach
2004 26 Oct05
Moor, A de; Jeusfeld, MA
Making Workflow Change Acceptable
2001 23 Oct06
Cleve, A.; Henrard, J.; Hainaut, J.-L.
Co-transformations in Information System Reengineering
2004 17 Jul07
Keller, A.M.
Comment on Bancilhon and Spyratos' "Update semantics and relational views"
1987 11 Mar07
Alves, M. H. F.; De Amo, S.
Efficient Maintenance of Temporal Data Warehouses
2000 11 Mar07
Velegrakis, Y
Managing Schema Mappings in Highly Heterogeneous Environments
2005 6 Sep06
Dominguez, Eladio; Lloret, Jorge; Rubio, Angel Luis; Zapata, Maria Antonia
Evolving the Implementation of ISA Relationships in EER Schemas
2006 5 Mar07
Dominguez, Eladio; Lloret, Jorge; Rubio, Angel Luis; Zapata, Maria Antonia
Model-Driven, View-Based Evolution of Relational Databases
2008 2 Feb09
Jensen, OG; Bohlen, MH
Multitemporal Conditional Schema Evolution
2004 2 Oct06
Spyratos, N.; Imielinski, T.
On lossless tranformation of databases schemes not necessarily satisfying universal instance assumption
1984 Mar07
Lechtenboerger, J.; Vossen, G.
On the computation of relational view complements
2003 Sep06