Search: Schema Evolution, Workshop, 1 - 9

13 results


Title/Author Year Citationssort icon added
Papastefanatos, G.; Kyzirakos, K; Vassiliadis, P.; Vassiliou, Y.
Hecataeus: A Framework for Representing SQL Constructs as Graphs
2005 9 Mar09
Schonhoff, M; Strassler, M; Dittrich, KR
Version Propagation in Federated Database Systems
2001 9 Sep06
Galante, R de Matos; Edelweiss, N; Santos, CS dos
Change Management for a Temporal Versioned Object-Oriented Database
2003 8 Oct06
Klettke, M.; Meyer, H.; Hänsel, B.
Evolution - The Other Side of the XML Update Coin
2005 7 Oct05
Kirsten, T; Hartung, M; Gross, A; Rahm, E
Efficient Management of Biomedical Ontology Versions
2009 7 Sep09
Vassiliadis, P.; Papastefanatos, G.; Sellis, T.; Vassiliou, Y.
Management of the Evolution of Database-Centric Information Systems
2007 6 Mar09
Wedemeijer, L;
Engineering for Conceptual Schema Flexibility
2001 6 Oct06
Curino, Carlo A.; Tanca, Letizia; Zaniolo, Carlo
Information Systems Integration and Evolution: Ontologies at Rescue
2008 5 Sep08
Papastefanatos, G.; Vassiliadis, P.; Simitsis, A.; Sellis, T.; Vassiliou, Y.
Rule-based Management of Schema Changes at ETL sources
2009 5 Aug09
Gross, A; Hartung, M; Kirsten, T; Rahm, E
Estimating the Quality of Ontology-Based Annotations by Considering Evolutionary Changes
2009 5 Sep09
Jensen, OG; Bohlen, MH
Multitemporal Conditional Schema Evolution
2004 2 Oct06
Matsuo, A.; Seta, K.; Hayashi, Y.; Ikeda, M.
An ontological framework for evolutionary model management
2004 2 Oct06
Lammari, N.; Akoka, J.; Comyn-Wattiau, I.
Supporting database evolution: Using ontologies matching
2003 1 Oct06