Search: Sch. Matching/Mapping, Theory

15 results


Title/Author Year Citationssort icon added
Doan, A.; Domingos, P.; Halevy, A.
Learning to Match the Schemas of Data Sources: A Multistrategy Approach
2003 253 Dec06
McBrien, P; Poulovassilis, A
Data integration by bi-directional schema transformation rules
2003 157 Sep06
Doan, A.
Learning to Map between Structured Representations of Data
2002 95 Dec06
Fagin, R.
Inverting Schema Mappings
2006 90 Sep06
Melnik, S.; Adya, A.; Bernstein, P.A.
Compiling mappings to bridge applications and databases
2007 81 Jul07
Cate, B; Kolaitis, PG
Structural characterizations of schema-mapping languages
2010 44 Mar10
Domshlak, C.; Gal, A.; Roitman, H.
Rank Aggregation for Automatic Schema Matching
2008 42 Apr08
Smiljanic, M.; van Keulen, M.; Jonker, W.
Formalizing the XML Schema Matching Problem as a Constraint Optimization Problem
2005 26 Nov06
Balder, TC; Chiticariu, L; Kolaitis, P; Wang-Chiew, T
Laconic Schema Mappings: Computing the Core with SQL Queries
2009 25 Sep09
Keller, A.M.; Ullman, J.D.
On complementary and independent mappings on databases
1984 21 Mar07
Smiljanic, M.; van Keulen, M.; Jonker, W.
Defining the XML Schema Matching Problem for a Personal Schema Based Query Answering System
2004 7 Nov06
Velegrakis, Y
Managing Schema Mappings in Highly Heterogeneous Environments
2005 6 Sep06
Wyss, CM; Robertson, EL
Relational languages for metadata integration
2005 Sep06
Tannen, V.; Popa, L.
An Equational Chase for Path-Conjunctive Queries, Constraints, and Views
1999 Mar07
Kobayashi, I
Losslessness and semantic correctness of database schema transformation: another look at schema equivalence
1986 Sep06